Safety during COVID

Of course, our camps cant run as normal under the current climate.
That’s why we’ve been busy introducing some new measures to keep your children safe.
Let us tell you how we will be keeping your children safe at camp.
A socially distanced sign in and sign out
Each site sign In/Out has been adapted to allow for social distancing to protect you and other parents whilst dropping off and collecting and avoiding interaction between bubbles. (please see below)
Bubble System (max 16 children per bubble)
Just like school shave been operating for the last month or so, on Monday morning your child/ren will be assigned to a “bubble” for the week, limiting the possible number of children they could interact with on-site. these will have a maximum of 15 other children in total whilst at camp.
There will be two dedicated activity leaders per bubble and each bubble is given a dedicated area and toilets (where possible).
Increased cleaning regime
There will be professional cleans multiple times a day at camp by professional cleaners. On top of this, the camp staff will be cleaning tables and equipment after every use and will be making sure children are washing hands between activities and regularly distributing hand sanitiser.
Playing outside and social distancing
We will be outside in the fresh air most of the time (weather dependant) where the transmission of the virus is considerably lower risk.
As much as possible (more often than you’d think) the activities will maintain social distancing. Introducing rules such as not being able to move from a set position during a game of football, or using a pool noodle to “tag” somebody.